Fight Inside Me

The fight is inside me
I’m my own best saboteur
I’m the only one who can really get in my way
Because when I’m determined to do something
I blow through all the excuses
That lead me astray

But that’s the trick you see
The toughest part of it
Is for me
To convince me

The fight is inside me
The little girl within doesn’t believe
That she is worthy enough just to be
Herself in every moment
Without shame
Or blame
Or judgement
And she cannot see
That she runs my life in times of stress
When things don’t go
As she thinks they should go
When I feel like I’m a mess

The fight is inside me
But little by little
It’s changing, transforming
From a place of defeat
To a place of power
I’m starting to let the joy inside me
Out to flower
To wash away all the doubts and fears
Turning it into self-confidence
After all these years

By: Hazel PK